Safety Guidelines
- Participants must comply with all Na Opio Kai Rules.
- Participants must wear a PFD anytime on the dock and while in or on the lagoon.
- Participants must bring refillable water bottles and stay hydrated.
- Participants must wear sunscreen or appropriate sun protection to prevent sunburn.
- Participants must have basic swimming skills prior to attending camp.
Behavior Guidelines
- Na Opio Kai members shall be responsible for their words and actions.
- Na Opio Kai members shall be respectful of others.
- Na Opio Kai members shall follow their counselor’s lead when walking around the property and be mindful of other property guests.
- Na Opio Kai members shall follow directions from all staff members.
- Na Opio Kai members shall leave all electronic devices such as cell phones or handheld games at home or in additionally purchased locker. A parent/guardian must seek permission from the program director for the participant to carry a cell phone for emergencies.
- Na Opio Kai members shall wear their Na Opio Kai uniform/ rash guard.
- Na Opio Kai members shall be mindful of the environment. No littering; all food and snack wrappers are to be placed in appropriate waste bins.
- Na Opio Kai members shall wear always provided PFDs while on the dock, on the water, and in areas around the lagoon.
- Na Opio Kai members shall use the “buddy system”; participants must always be in pairs while on the lagoon, going to the restroom and while in camp.
- Na Opio Kai members shall always conduct themselves in a safe manner: no horseplay, no wrestling, no diving from dock, no running on the dock, etc.
- Na Opio Kai members shall always be mindful and respectful of other patrons and staff on the dock.
Prohibited Behaviors
- Endangering the health and safety of themselves, other participants, and/or staff or volunteers of Na Opio Kai
- Endangering or harassing lagoon wildlife or fauna
- Stealing, damaging, or failing to care for Wai Kai or private property
- Continual disruption of the program
- Refusal to follow the behavior requested by the staff
- Inappropriate physical contact
- Using profanity or inappropriate language or displaying clothing or other personal items with offensive content
- Bullying or acts of aggression or violence
- Possession or use of illegal substances, tobacco, vaping, or alcohol
- Possession of weapons – any object that may cause harm to another or place another person in fear of his/her safety, may be considered a weapon
Steps taken for failure to follow these behavior guidelines
- Staff will redirect the participant to a more appropriate mode of behavior.
- The participant will be reminded of the behavior that is required as part of this Code of Conduct.
- If the behavior persists, staff will discuss the problem with a parent/guardian.
- The staff will document the incident. The written documents will include what the behavior problem is, what provoked the problem, and the corrective action taken.
- If the problem persists to the point in which a second phone call becomes necessary, the Na Opio Kai director may find it necessary to have the participant picked up early from the program.
- If a participant’s behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of him/her, other children, or staff, the parent/guardian will be notified and expected to pick up the child immediately.
Print Child Name
Child Signature
Print Parent Name
Parent Signature
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